Our Priorities
The top priorities for Matches For Meals™ are:
Feed Children
Produce Meals for our partner Feed My Starving Children.
Share Culture
Create a true cross-cultural modified golf match-play experience for all of our players.
The beauty of Matches For Meals™, which is a G.O.L.F. initiative, is that it only takes ONE team to get started playing other teams from around the state, country or world. You can start at any time and have up to 6 months to play your TEN team matches. You can also play multiple times a year or on multiple teams. To accomplish these goals, our players, coaches and parents follow these tenets.

Matches For Meals™ is based around a modified form of golf called SNAG (Starting New At Golf) It is the world's leading first-touch indoor or outdoor system to learn and play golf in a safe and educationally approved manner.
Online Competition
Instead of two teams competing in person, Matches For Meals™ allows teams to choose opponents from an online match board. Each team actually plays at home against an opponent who may be across town, across state lines or in another country, each playing the exact same course layout at the same time. This is head-to-head competition without ever leaving home. There is no travel, and this changes everything.
Specialized Equipment
Using the specialized and modified SNAG equipment, players complete six holes while competing on local neighborhood soccer, baseball or football fields. The safe tennis-like ball, 'sticks' to our 'Flagsticky' cylinder to hole out. Course layouts are provided to exact dimensions for teams to easily set up.
Teams and Divisions
Teams are independently formed in two age groups - Age 8-9-10 and Age 11-12-13. Each team has 12 players and can be co-ed in nature. We have a 'friendly' division (score not important) or a 'competitive' Premier division (designed for strong players).
Portal Website
Matches For Meals™ provides a portal website where team profiles, player profiles, and standings are found. Coaches simply sign in to a 'Matches Wanted' board and arrange for the team, level of competition, age, date, time, language and nationality of the competitors they would like to play.
Generate Meals
A Match Card provides a player 10 matches for that entire card or season. Single or multiple seasons are encouraged. A portion of each match fee is used to create meals through our 501(c)3 non-profit partner foundation Feed My Starving Children. Each team generates 1,000 meals per 10-Play match card to feed those in need. A corporate or business 'meal-matching' program adds even more meals to a team's total.
Cultural Exchange
Matches For Meals™ is designed to be a cultural exchange for players to learn about each other, their countries, families and customs. In a modern-day version of 'Pen-Pals', the players communicate with each other via dedicated web-texting called SNAG-CHAT. This tool instantly translates all conversations into their own native language. Think of how this impacts a young person's vision.
Safe Environment
Every coach will pass a criminal background check and pass the NAYS coaching certification class before being accepted to coach a Matches For Meals™ team - protection for all involved.

Matches For Meals™ is far more than just a sport.
With kids helping the world's hungry kids, this is truly one of the most significant things that a child and family could ever do.